• 庄闲和游戏

    Typical Cases
    Typical Cases
    Release Date:
    2023 / 01 /10
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    Laizhou Hongtai Electric PV Project

    Shandong Hongtai Electric Co., Ltd. (“Hongtai”) constructed a rooftop distributed PV power station of 9.2528 MWp (4.8 MWp for Phase I and 4.4528 MWp for Phase II), which was connected to the grid and put into operation on December 30, 2017. The project is built following the principle of generating power for self-consumption by Hongtai and feeding surplus power to grid, aiming to help Hongtai to build a zero-carbon park.

    • Project Overview

    Installed capacity: 9252.8 KWp

    Tariff of power based on de-sulfurized coal combustion: RMB 0.3949/kWh

    Date of grid connection: December 2017

    Type of grid connection: Rooftop, 10 kV grid connection

     Annual power generation: 11.1 million kWh

    Annual revenue: RMB 8 million

    Self-consumption ratio: 90%

    Payback period: 5 years

    • Project Benefits

    • Environmental benefits

    Annually, 4,100 tons of standard coal are saved, CO2 emission reduced by 11,067 tons, SO2 emission reduced by 333 tons, and NOx emission reduced by 167 tons.

    • Social benefits

    Idle rooftops are used to construct PV power stations to improve the utilization rate and value of land, and save non-renewable resources by using solar power.

    • Economic Benefits

    Total revenue: RMB 400 million for 25 years.