
Typical Cases
Typical Cases
Release Date:
2021 / 03 /10
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Main Power Distribution Project of Tiananmen Square in Beijing

Tiananmen Square located in the center of Beijing is the biggest city square in the World. For the Main Power Distribution Project of Tiananmen Square in Beijing, it mainly focuses on the monitoring and application of the medium and low voltage distribution network in Tiananmen Square and its surroundings. The political power supply guarantee characteristic of the power grid in Tiananmen Square is highlighted through the system function orientation. Besides, the development will be carried out based on the principle that “operation monitoring in the core area should be precise and the lean operation and maintenance service should be better” and conform to the combination mode of supply and service which means “Front end is close to client and equipment, back end supports the front; marketing integrates with O&M, management is delivered directly to the grass roots and the operation is intelligentized”.

Through the Project, the power distribution reliability of Tiananmen and its surroundings is obviously improved. Besides, the load density in the area is more than 30MW/ and the annual average power off time for users is no more than 5min (the power supply reliability is >=99.999%). The comprehensive voltage eligibility rate is >= 99.99% and the online rate of the main station is 100%, reaching Grade “A+”. In particular, for the characteristics that there are many important clients and sensitive clients with low voltage in the Square area, when faults happen, clients will be contacted before reporting for repair, which achieves the objective of “active repair and pre-act service”.